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Vas Vármegyei Szakképzési Centrum

OM kód: 203062 | 9735 Csepreg, Rákóczi u. 13-15.

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Vas Vármegyei Szakképzési Centrum Nádasdy Tamás Technikum és Kollégium

HírekKözérdekű adatokCLASSROOMKRÉTA
Széchenyi 2020


Erasmus+ (Angol nyelven) ENG





(A csatolt fájlok között megtalálható a "Beszámoló" is a 2022/2023-as tanévről.) / (The attached files also include the "Report" for the academic year 2022/2023.)

Az Erasmus+ program fókuszában a szakképzés terén az oktatásban, képzésben dolgozók szakmai fejlődésének támogatása áll, valamint a tanulók elhelyezkedési esélyeinek növelése és a sikeres élethez szükséges készségeik fejlesztése és az európai együttműködés megerősítése a szakképzésben.

Az Erasmus+ program támogatja, hogy a szakképzésben tanuló diákok és a szakképzéssel foglalkozó szakemberek szakmai gyakorlaton vehessenek részt külföldön, s ezáltal Európa-szerte javuljon a szakképzés színvonala. A program elősegíti, hogy a szakképző intézmények együttműködési  partnerségeket hozzanak létre más intézményekkel és különböző cégekkel annak érdekében, hogy szoros kapcsolat épüljön ki az oktatás és képzés, illetve a munka világa között.

A Vas Megyei Szakképzési Centrum iskolájaként részesei lehetünk egy hosszú távú, 2021-2027-ig szóló programnak, mely lehetővé teszi magas színvonalú mobilitási projektek megvalósítását, ezzel támogatva oktatási céljainkat és az intézményekben dolgozók, tanulók szakmai fejlődését.





IT and telecommunication major

Software developer and tester

Code: 0612

This course is ideal for those who are interested in IT and Maths, have a good sense of communication and logical thinking.

The education follows the central curriculum of technical schools of economics. Students are provided preparation for academic and vocational subjects alike. 9th and 10th graders study basic vocational knowledge and are expected to take a basic exam. The following three years offer vocational training for the particular job the students have chosen. If possible, the traineeship is organised for 11th, 12th and 13th graders at businesses outside school. Students can take a final exam in academic and vocational subjects at the end of the 13th grade and get a qualification as a software developer and tester (code OKJ 5448108).

Completing the course enables the students to start work or go on studying in the field of IT.

Our students will be able to:

  • operate computers
  • install and use software for a developing environment
  • develop and code websites
  • develop client- and server-side software applications
  • develop and update desktop applications
  • test software
  • develop and manage database
  • use software to support teamwork and cooperation
  • determine resources and needed timeframe

The course is recommended for young people who are not only attracted by the world of IT software, but also interested in software development and improvement.


Economy and Management Major

Financial and Bookkeeping Assistant

Code: 0611

This course is ideal for those who are interested in the world of money and figures and would like to study and be a part of economic processes.

The education follows the central curriculum of technical schools of economics. Students are provided preparation for academic and vocational subjects alike. 9th and 10th graders study basic vocational knowledge and are expected to take a basic exam. The following three years offer vocational training for the particular job the students have chosen.

The training is not complemented with comprehensive traineeship. Students can take a final exam in academic and vocational subjects at the end of the 13th grade and get a qualification as a financial and bookkeeping assistant (code OKJ 5434401).

Completing the course enables the students to start work or go on studying in the field of economics.

Our students will be able to:

  • understand business management
  • handle business management software
  • use communication channels
  • do administrative tasks of founding and managing an enterprise
  • manage bank accounts and petty cash
  • manage tasks including taxation
  • co-operates in doing tasks including customs tax, excise duties and product charges
  • collect data for making decisions in business and investment
  • co-operates in preparing financial projects
  • co-operates in preparing bank loans
  • do tasks in e-accounting
  • make and file electronic documents

This course requires the following qualities:

  • being precise and practical
  • thinking in a system
  • being interested in economic processes

Graduates of this course can find a job in various sectors of economy. They can also go on to higher education in economy or get further qualifications as chartered accountants, customs and bank experts and tax counsellors.


Logistics Technician

Transport and freight forwarding

Code: 0613

Education is conducted according to the central technical program plan of the IT sector. At the same time, students are prepared for the Matura exam regarding general and professional subjects. Students in the 9th and 10th years acquire the basic professional knowledge of the sector. At the end of the 10th year students have to pass the sectoral basic exam. In the next 3 years, everyone will receive vocational training corresponding to their profession chosen. If possible, everyone will carry out their professional internship at an external company in the 11th to 13th years. The Matura and the professional exam can be passed by the students at the end of the 13th year. If the students have successfully completed the required knowledge examination, they will receive the professional qualification as Logistics technician (OKJ 5484113). By completing the course, students become suitable for independent work within their profession and for further studies in this field.

Logistics technicians are able to

  • manage and operate computers;
  • install and use software required for development;
  • design and code websites;
  • design and develop web client and server side applications;
  • design and develop desktop applications (software);
  • test software;
  • design and manage databases;
  • use software that supports teamwork and collaboration;
  • determine resources and time requirements.


Tool and device manufacturer - Mechanical engineering sector

Tool and device manufacturer

Code: 0624

Offered to students having a good practical sense, manual skills, and like to repair or mend things.

  • students firs acquire the basic professional knowledge followed by a sectoral exam at the end of the ninth grade
  • in the following two years students receive vocational training corresponding to their profession chosen
  • if possible, everyone spends their professional internship at an external company in the 10th and11th years
  • after having successfully completed the required knowledge examination, students receive the professional qualification as Tool and device manufacturer (OKJ 3452118)
  • by completing the course, students become suitable for independent work within their profession and for further studies in this field as well
  • in addition, as a unique opportunity, students can acquire the profession of CNC-programmer (OKJ 3452112) in a year or pass the Matura in two years

Tool and device manufacturers

  • interpret technical drawings
  • prepare sketches
  • perform measurements, tests, checks and documents
  • manufacture parts and components of forming and machining tools as well as devices
  • heat-process the tool and device elements
  • apply traditional and modern technologies
  • operate traditional and modern machine equipment
  • make and assemble tools and devices from finished elements
  • maintain and repair tools and devices.


Electronics and electrical engineering sector

Electronics technician

Students with a practical sense, good dexterity and the love of electronics are welcome in this class. We also take applicants who like tinkering with computers or multimedia devices.

Our education is conducted according to the central program plan of the electronics sector. In the 9th grade, students acquire the basic professional knowledge belonging to the sector. At the end of 9th grade, all students take a basic sector exam. Over the next 2 years, everyone will receive vocational training appropriate to their chosen profession. If possible, everyone will continue their professional training at an external internship in 10th  and 11th  grade. Upon successful completion of the exam, OKJ 3452203 will obtain a professional qualification as an electronic technician. By completing the course, students become suitable for independent work within their profession and for further study in the field. In addition, the course is available to students with two years of graduation training.


  • checks the parameters of electrical components,
  • interprets computer measurement results with user-level knowledge of diagnostic, configuration, test and utilities;
  • uses computer-controlled measuring, control and production equipment;
  • assembles the finished circuit ready or in equipment and also performs simpler mechanical - assemblies;
  • compiles, checks and sets up a measuring system on the basis of documentation, provides quality management and in-process information.

This class is recommended for all girls and boys who are close to computer science and electronics. At the same time it can be an ideal choice for those who are also attracted to the rapidly evolving field of multimedia that offers good employment opportunities.



Tourism and Catering


This 3-year-long course offers a vocational qualification. This job is one of the earliest professions in the world. Besides fulfilling basic daily needs, it provides culinary experience for guests. Almost all social, family and church events involve dining and cooking. The latter is the main activity of a chef who turns ingredients into dishes using an excellent sense of taste and creativity with herbs and aromas. A chef works at the production field of catering either in an outsourced or a permanent kitchen. The job might require work at different subfields such as mass catering, cold catering, protocol and a la carte catering.

This job is recommended to creative people, who would like to improve their skills at all times and would like to have a diverse job. A good chef’s character can be recognised through the dish prepared by them.

Job description:

A chef:

  • prepares dishes, serves and decorates the meal following the orders of the head chef and the principles of practicality and aesthetic quality alike
  • arranges, prepares and finishes a meal
  • orders, takes delivery of and stores the goods
  • follows HACCP rules, and makes colleagues follow them
  • takes financial and moral responsibility for the goods they are in charge of
  • consciously applies kitchen technology procedures
  • is able to coordinate and direct the work of kitchen helpers


Waiter & restaurant specialist

  • 3-year training in the tourism and hospitality sector
  • providing professional qualification
  • waiters & restaurant specialists welcome guests in the catering units, offer food and drink upon request, and serve the selected dishes
  • they pay attention to the guests, offer and refill food and drink, as well as keep the tables tidy
  • they issue invoices and manage the payments.

Recommended to young people who are interested in the field of hospitality, organization and logistics, and like to work with people. Due to the qualification received at the end of the training, graduates can easily find a job on the labour market or pursue specialized studies.

Waiters & restaurant specialists:

  • perform operational tasks
  • monitor the stocks
  • participate in the professional quality and quantity receipt, storage and documentation of goods
  • describe the restaurant and catering services
  • offer and serve food indicating the allergens
  • offer and serve drinks matching them with the food ordered by the guests
  • take orders from the table
  • prepare the devices necessary for the service taking the different service systems and guests’ needs into account
  • prepare the drinks and take the food and drinks to the guests’ tables
  • perform barista, bartender and sommelier activities
  • communicate with the guests and revisit their tables to check that the meals are to the customer’s satisfaction
  • organise and control their own work and also the one of their collegues
  • issue invoices, manage the cash register and the restaurant software.



A 3-year training in the tourism and hospitality sector which culminates in a qualification. As for professional activities, in order to sweeten special occasions or everyday life, a confectioner makes confectionery, ice creams, candies, and occasional decorative works. The activity of confectioner is thus a creation in which not only a product is produced, but an experience is created.

We recommend the profession to young people who want to develop their dexterity, aesthetic sense and creativity. They are able to develop and want a varied job.

The qualified confectioner:

  • picks up and organizes orders;
  • selects the necessary raw materials;
  • calculates the amount of ingredients;
  • use confectionery tools, machines and equipment professionally;
  • complies with occupational safety, environmental protection, hygiene and food safety regulations;
  • works in a team and cooperates with those involved in professional work;
  • preserves the tradition of traditional confectionery production, observes the recipe and method of confectionery production;
  • prepares international confectionery products, products in line with current trends;
  • prepares aesthetic, imaginative decorative works for occasional orders according to the customer's wishes;
  • cooks and freezes ice creams;
  • makes candies and decorations from chocolate;
  • is constantly training himself;
  • reads foreign language professional materials at a basic level, strives to learn about international trends.

    Disszeminációs terv - 2023.06. hó.pdf


    Disszeminációs terv - 2023.09. hó.pdf


    Erasmus - NTSZKI.pptx


    Erasmus_VMSZC_nemzetköziesítési strategia_2_ kiadás_2023_maj.pdf






    Erasmus+_NTSZKI_iskolai vagy tantestületi_Beszámoló.doc


    Mobilitás értékelés sablon powerpoint - 2023.pdf


    Mobilitás értékelés útmutató diákoknak - 2023.pdf


    Mobilitás értékelés útmutató oktatóknak - 2023.pdf


    Mobilitás értékelés, minőségbiztosítás - 2023.pdf






    Vas Megyei SZC nemzetköziesítési stratégia - 2021.pdf


    Vas Megyei SZC nemzetköziesítési stratégia - 2023.05. hó.pdf


    Vas Vármegyei SZC nemzetköziesítési stratégia - 2023.10. hó.pdf


    VMSZC_disszeminációs tev_20230605.docx



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Vas Vármegyei Szakképzési Centrum

Vas Vármegyei Szakképzési Centrum Nádasdy Tamás Technikum és Kollégium

9735 Csepreg, Rákóczi u. 13-15.

Telefon: +3694565040


OM azonosító: 203062

2025Vas Vármegyei Szakképzési Centrum Nádasdy Tamás Technikum és Kollégium